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Minecraft News

The Trail & Tales Update

The world of Minecraft is forever enriched by new mobs like the camel, which provides terrifically tall transportation for two. Or the sniffer, which was once extinct but thanks to you will flourish once again. Please don’t get me started on baby camels and snifflets, because I will get derailed by the cuteness that is frankly criminal. 

Not to be outdone, the blocks of Trails & Tales will change the Overworld’s landscape forever. The rare cherry grove biome doesn’t just add a beautiful, pink oasis but also a full pink wood set. Bamboo is also available as a wood set, including a unique raft that can hold a chest or mob of your choice. Please keep in mind that hostile mobs will still attack, even in the middle of a tranquil sea. 

One of the many things you can craft with wood is signs, that can now hang on the side of or beneath blocks. Maybe you want to use them to point the way to some buried ruins filled with suspicious sand, or to let others know that the hissing over yonder is merely your creeper choir made with playable mob sounds. 

Minecraft Legends is here


Minecraft Legends is the new action strategy game we made in partnership with Blackbird Interactive where you play as the brave hero who unites the inhabitants of the Overworld to fight off a devastating piglin invasion. Nether portals have appeared all over the once-peaceful Overworld, bringing piglins and spreading netherrack, and it’s up to you to lead the charge and destroy them before the corruption covers everything! In this game, mobs that you would typically fight or avoid in the original Minecraft will become your friends and fight alongside you. The story of Minecraft Legends is one that’s been passed down through time in the Overworld, so who’s to say whether it’s real or not? The truth is nobody can, so it’s up to you to discover it and craft your own theories!


In Minecraft Legends, you play as the hero! You might think that means you’ll be doing all the fighting, but actually: you’ll be doing all the leading. In Legends you’re not the only fighter, and in fact, your allies are better equipped to deal with the piglins than you are. Your task is to summon new friends and lead them in battle to defeat the rampaging piglins. You will have to defend villages, destroy piglin bases, and more to push back the piglins’ Nether corruption. Different allies have different strengths and weaknesses, which when used wisely can give you the edge in battle. 

In true Minecraft fashion, you must also make sure that you don’t run out of resources, so that you can keep spawning allies and building defensive or offensive structures. Exploring the Overworld is also important: it’s how you meet new friends and discover new resources, and even treasure! Plus, you’ll get to experience a new Overworld each time you play through the campaign, because every playthrough generates a unique map.

NEW ON REALMS: 8 maps for discerning eyes!


Escape places a group of survivors in an oven-like dungeon where they need to perform the titular action before they melt. One player is cast as a “monster” which will be their antagonist in order to shake things up. The “monster” has a few intimidating features other players don’t. Perfect 20/20 vision in the dark while the survivors need a lantern for support. Nifty gadgets like vibration sensors. Not to mention the smell ability that Minecraft players have been clamoring for us to add to the main game forever (citation needed). Arguably, there’s a strong case that jealousy, rather than monster-on-survivor attacks, is the main culprit for the hostilities between the two groups. Maybe the real monster... is game character-based envy!


Gaps usually get a bad rep. ‘Mind the gap’ is less positive than something like ‘Check out the cool gap’ would be. A gap in your resume, no matter how much fun you had in that period would displease a potential employer. Dentists don’t like gaps in your teeth, even though it would realistically mean less work for them. However, the gap in, uh, The Gap, will be your only solace, friend, and confidant as it will move closer to your enemy’s gold bank upon a kill so you can quicker get to pickaxing their gold. I don’t mind this gap at all!


Here we have a minigame where you’re given a theme and will bring it to blocky life through interpretative construction. Other players will then judge your build through a democratic process complete with point-scoring at the end. Which is how it should be when things are subjective. Don’t let anyone call you a monster due to your heightened sense of smell and/or tendency for player elimination, lest you have been judged by a jury of your peers through Building Game Redux! 





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